Running the code
On the Julia REPL
julia>using GasphaseChemistry
Input file
The method takes two arguments input_path and lib_dir. The input_files specifies the input XML file and lib_dir speficies the path to the data files folder where therm.dat is present. The structure of the XML input file is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<molefractions>H2=0.25, H2O=0.25, O2=0.25, N2=0.25</molefractions>
The meaning of different XML tags is explained below.
- <gaschem> : tag specifying the model
- <molefractions> : mole fractions of the gas-phase species. Instead of mass fractions, mole fractions may also be
- <T>: Temperature in K
- <p> : Pressure in Pa
- <gas_mech> : tag specifying the name of the mechanism input file
The code does not generate any file output. An example of terminal output that transport_properties generates is shown below.
T, p Conditions
T(K): 1173.0
p(Pa): 100000.0
H2 -1.5707e-01 -3.1663e-04
O2 -1.5728e-01 -5.0327e-03
H2O -1.3727e-03 -2.4730e-05
H +1.8271e-02 +1.8416e-05
O +5.2291e-10 +8.3663e-12
OH +2.8130e-01 +4.7842e-03
HO2 +1.7313e-02 +5.7144e-04
H2O2 +0.0000e+00 +0.0000e+00
N2 +0.0000e+00 +0.0000e+00
Sum of sources: -5.421010862427522e-19